Friday, November 6, 2009


today we went to the beach. drove up to Ventura and had a great time hanging out on the beach all day. we just needed to spend that time together, with God, with Brian. the following photos and videos should tell it all:

mck on the zipline -- coolest thing ever at a park/the beach!

the girls @ the beach

we found a baby eel!

no... really!


...& his footprint

watch the following video. this is my first attempt at a meaningful memorial....

this was a little eerie, but comforting at the same time.
"miss me? no. remember me. it's better for me where i am. i love you."
this was confirmed by the fact that we found a lone bee, covered with sand, weighted down by the water on its wings, struggling to get to the ocean. the symbolism...

then i created this little video; it really surprised me and came out sweet...

she misses her daddy so much... they all do.

it was a good day for grieving.

1 comment:

  1. Here I am again staying up way later than I should, but I just wanted you to know that I am checking your posts. I especially loved this post with the videos. You have always been so good at capturing the kids at their most beautiful. Hugs.
