Monday, November 16, 2009

word choice

since Brian's death i have become more and more sensitive to how people use words. this might also cross over in to semantics because the choices people make about the words they use may not necessarily reflect their true meaning or feelings.

"i'm so embarrassed, i could just die!"
"i couldn't do that. if i did she'd kill me."
"you're killing me!"
"i love you to death."




do people really mean these things when they say them? i have to admit, i used these types of phrases often. but now that Brian has died.... very much a reality for me and all who knew him... my sensitivity to these terms has been heightened. they are powerful and strong terms that our society has come to use casually and take lightly their use.

a whole new set of things to question, realize and think about in this Life After. i wonder if anyone else has felt this way?

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