Thursday, August 4, 2011

God is good all the time

today was a really good day, especially with Av. this morning she slept until after 9a, a very unusual occurrence. she was really helpful to the adults and her friends all day. she was patient with getting her nails painted -- she let her sister and friend go first! she asked a lot of questions regarding spiritual matters during our devotional time. all of things were really quite amazing to me.

actually, not really because we've been spending time in the Word, especially reading Psalm 91. Av has struggled with anxiety during the night since Brian died. she experiences a lot of fear -- something happening to me, her siblings, her grammy or herself. her daddy & grampy died in the night, so will something else like this happen in the night? Well, the Lord led me to Psalm 91 and i used the word picture of the mother hens at the farm, how they take their broods under their wings and protect them from harm. so it is with us... we are given shelter under the wings of the Almighty and he will protect us from harm. she had such peaceful slumber... praise God! and so far tonight, the same thing has happened... no anxiety!

the two of us also stayed up after the other two had gone to sleep and we talked -- just us. we don't get to do that very often. it was fun and really good for both of us. she is such a tenderhearted little girl. i love her so much. she said that she was a little embarrassed to say it, but that she was the only kid today that didn't have a time out -- the power of the Holy Spirit right there! we also talked about the possibility of me getting married again and she has thought about it quite a bit i guess. she's worried that he won't be nice [right now, he does not even exist!]. but i told her that i have her best interests at heart and i know that God will guide me when the time is right. i also told her that if and when the time comes, she will know in her heart that it is right. freedom in communication -- thank you, Lord!

i am praising God for these precious moments between us. Thank you, God, for being good to us all the time!

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