Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Help

i took myself to the movies last night and saw this film. incredible.

i laughed.

i cried.

i was inspired.

yes, inspired.

the essential theme of the movie was along these lines:

express yourself to find who you are & be free!

this is where i am. what is my mode of expression? my passion to develop and share so that i may find who i really am with God's help and break free? i feel like i have been in chaos... chains... unable to let go and express all that i am.

but i am working on it though! i am signing up this fall to take a photography class. i am going to learn all i need to know about my camera and photoshop and pursue it. i am praying for God to help me break free from what hinders my creativity with my children and in art and embrace passion and life.

oh, i have a fire inside -- swelling and ready to break through and be unleashed! my heart beats for Christ to come in and free me as a bird out of a cage.

a friend of mine posted this on FB in response to what i wrote to her this evening:

I really believe we just simply become who we are as we set our eyes outside of ourselves onto the HOLY OTHER...God Himself and then He releases that God given DNA which is unique to each of us!! So beautiful...yet so under assault in this cosmic battle we are in!! Like I told you when you were here I have had to contend for so many areas of my heart life... particularly... my hidden art of living in the daily ordinary places!! Meals, mothering, creating atmosphere and kingdom culture in our home!! Not easy but so worth the fight...because He is the one fighting for the feminine heart!!

there is a contention for the feminine heart and we must make every effort to protect it while allowing who God created us to be to come alive and shine bright, glorify Him and His name.

i will be posting some photos soon.

creativity -- come forth!

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