Wednesday, March 28, 2012


...made perfect

a friend and mentor of Brian's wrote a post back in 2010 and retweeted it today.

my comment was this:

reading this again, neil, brings tears to my eyes. i miss Brian so much... still.

though the lives of these men may have been far from perfect, Jesus' love is what perfects. i am learning this more and more, wrestling with it and coming to understand it. and like a ripple in a pond that is the aftereffect of a stone thrown into it, so are the far reaching effects of these men who were perfectly placed in time & then removed according to God's plan. i see it every day.

and their choice & ours to follow Christ assures us of the hope we have to see them again... Amen!

yes, Brian's life was imperfect. we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God [Romans 3:23-24]... that's why we need Jesus! and just because we chose to follow him doesn't mean that we are suddenly perfect and "safe" from sin; from doing that which we do not want to do [Romans 7:14-20].

i am so thankful that Christ's perfection with his death on the cross and resurrection from the grave has given us hope and life eternal...

and see those stars around his head?

perfectly imperfect... but still shining.

and i am too.

we all are.

we just need to be who we are where we are for this moment in time & embrace it. Brian did.

we will never know when or how God is using us for His glory or when that time will cease. Brian didn't.

we need only be faithful & obedient moment by moment.

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