Thursday, March 4, 2010

makes "scents"...

i was at the post office today, standing in line to send some packages off to some friends. as i was standing there, i was taken aback... a familiar smell came and enveloeped me and the area where i was standing. it was Brian's cologne that i smelled, it's fragrance so intense and memory provoking that it knocked me into tears.

the night before Brian died, he dressed nicely, shaved himself clean and smelled heavenly in that cologne [no pun intended]. that smell did what i believe colognes were intended to do -- it made me crave him. well, what do you know if today that didn't just happen again. hello! i couldn't do anything but cry and try not to breathe for fear it would intensify my weeping.

it was the first time i smelled that smell outside of my bedroom since Brian died. i have his bottle of cologne in my room and i smell it sometimes. but i have never smelled it on anyone or anything outside of that room until today.

the sense of smell in so intense. it evokes so many memories.

what a day...

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